Using Janusseal Windows Suite is a great user experience for any organization that wants to implement data classification. It is intuitive, fast and offers correct and accurate formatting. Every Janusseal marked objects contains metadata so it is also easy to integrate with your control systems
In this 3 minute 32 sec video we show the various ways you can mark CUI content. We cover:-
- How to mark a document (30s)
- Handling documents from outside your organization (1m 25s)
- Preventing accidental disclosure (2m 0s)
- Checking for changes in marking/classifications (2m 45s)
This is just a quick overview, for more information register for an account or arrange a demo with your Janusnet partner or one of our team.
Book a demonstration
Visit the CUI resource page
*This video shows the email subject line marking with [Contains CUI] Janusseal can present this method or prefixed (U).
Just let us know which is your preference.