How to control CJSM email on mobile devices

Email is by far the most used mobile business application.  Much of it is privileged information that, once on a mobile device, is outside the firm's network and control.

Mobile devices are frequently misplaced or lost.  It’s easy to see why mobile email security is a concern to the operators of the CJSM. Now that, practitioners, firms can connect to the Criminal Justice Secure eMail (CJSM) via the firm’s email system it becomes even more important for compliance that a CJSM email does not get delivered or accidentally forwarded within the firm to a colleague’s mobile device.  Mobile email uses a separate channel, thus it has to be managed in a different way to standard email controls.

Make CJSM compliance easier

Janusgate Mobile filters email traffic before it reaches the mobile device and, if sensitive, alerts the user with a simple message to access the full information from their corporate desktop. Janusgate Mobile’s flexible rules set can be varied to suit your situation, or role in the firm, such as by:

  • Identifying privileged information by email subject
  • Restricting content based on email domain ( from )
  • Blocking all (or some) attachments yet letting emails pass
  • Stopping emails but letting calendar or contact information pass
  • Stopping any Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
  • Redacting specific types of information.


Compliance, Security and Productivity

A simple way to prevent CJSM messages from being delivered to a mobile device is to use Janusgate Mobile.  Working with our specialist sales partners your firm will quickly implement a system to control the content that is sent to the phone.  You will attain a balance between productivity and compliance without special applications being loaded onto mobile devices. 

Get an overview of the Janusgate Mobile solution for Criminal Justice Secure eMail usersContact us to discuss your CJSM priorities or talk to one of our specialist UK legal technology partners.  Register for an evaluation.





Product images: 
Corporate and CJSM email flow with janusGATE Mobile filtering content

Now that, practitioners, firms can connect to the CJSM via the firm’s email system it becomes even more important for compliance reasons that a CJSM email does not either get delivered or accidentally forwarded within the firm to a colleague’s mobile device.   Find out about a simple solution to control content and increase productivity.