Prepare for the PSPF classification changes with Janusnet

Get ready with Janusnet

On October 1, 2018 the Attorney General’s Department publicly announced changes to the Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF) for sensitive and classified information. As part of these changes, the selection of protective markings have been amended.

All Australian federal government agencies will be impacted by these the changes.

Janusnet is committed to supporting our Australian government customers to move to the new standard as quickly as they want.

Janusnet will be releasing an update to our classification suite, Janusseal, to support the new requirements. The new release candidate is available now (October 2, 2018) if your agency would like to start testing, pending the finalisation of the 2018 version of the EPMS.

Janusnet supports the new marking requirements

As Australia’s leading provider of protective marking software the new version of Janusseal supports the new protective marking requirements. The updated software will:  

  • Allow agencies to comply with the updated PSPF markings.
  • Provide agencies with flexibility and interoperability with previous versions of the standard to ensure a seamless transition and minimise disruption.
  • Simultaneously interpret messages from each version of the standard and control the format of protective markings on sent messages.
  • Include the Janusnet ‘grandfathering’ feature which will allow agencies to reply or forward a message inheriting the security classification and protective marketing format of the original message.

Janusnet customers will be fully supported to ensure compliance with the new standard.

What our government customers say:

“I’m particularly impressed with the engineering of your product. The add-in is very robust..”
- April 2017

“The best performing product and vendor we've worked with.” 
- March 2018

Keep updated on the latest changes

Now the new protective markings have been announced, Australian government agencies will have to be aware of some critical dates to ensure compliance. This include details on when you need to update your email systems to send and receive emails marked using the new markings.

If you’re a Janusnet customer relax; expect some emails from us over the next few months to help you comply with the new EPMS.

If you’re not a Janusnet customer start dealing with an Australian business today - complete the form below and we’ll take care of you.

Extensive experience

Janusnet has extensive experience and capability in providing the Australian government data classification solutions. In 2005, Janusnet’s co-founders Greg Colla and Neville Jones, co-authored the original Email Protective Marking Standard. This standard has enabled Australian government agencies to use a common format for e-mail security classifications, greatly simplifying protection of their information, whether shared between or outside government.

Janusnet is trusted by many Australian government departments and agencies who benefit from our commitment to customer service and support. Our award winning solutions are renowned for their reliability, functionality and ease of use.

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