Want to integrate emails into your business workflow more easily than ever before? Now with the power and sophisticated filtering of Janusgate Exchange and without specialist programming, you can have emails integrated into your businesses process more easily.
Businesses using email to trigger workflows can save as much as fifteen minutes processing time per email by moving from manual handling to automated processing.
Email is still the most widely used method for communicating with customers and suppliers. Emails are triggered by systems intending to inform and advise; and responses are often unstructured. Automating workflows to and from email transmission is not new, but normally these workflows have to be specially programmed for each condition. Our customers consistently uncover instances where emails are used either in place of business workflows, or to augment business workflows.
A common example arises when businesses use a unique identifier of some kind in the subject lines of email in order to cluster information on one topic together or to trigger a further action. The unique identifier prompts a step in a workflow to occur. For example, routing every email with that unique identifier for filing in a particular location or to a particular team for action.
To streamline these processes for speed and accuracy, Janusgate Exchange allows businesses to automate workflows using email triggers and email content. Our rules-based solution is designed to detect email messages with relevant information that may be destined for a workflow system. Janusgate Exchange can be configured to either pass the message into another system or to hand it over to integration systems, such as Zapier, to use in downstream workflows.
This new capability enables organisations to significantly improve information handling. Businesses save time by removing manual processes to trigger workflow actions and it simplifies the task of getting information out of the email message into other systems. Workflow accuracy improves because the risk of human error reduces with less manual management. Organisations have a more complete view of the information their business handles on a given topic because automated mapping ensures all relevant information is seamlessly directed to the required location.
The Janusgate Exchange solution integrates with many applications via email file creation, writing email content to databases or raising webhooks, which means rapid time-to-market and little need to involve a systems integrator to create integration points.
This functionality is already in action performing automated workflows such as routing incoming email enquiries to a CRM system, filing every image received by email in a database, and storing every email with a given case number in the subject line in a database with every other piece of content containing that same case number. Overall it can benefit your organization by saving time in record keeping and by speeding up processes, improving customer service and compliance.
Whilst every business is different, the flexibility of Janusgate Exchange allows for a myriad of solutions to be quickly developed. Please contact us or your Janusnet partner to discuss your email workflow requirement.