Janusseal for Outlook Web App version 2.5.5 and 2.5.6 are supported to work on Exchange 2010 Service Pack 3 systems.
Unfortunately, there is an error in the installer that prevents the installation of version 2.5.5 or 2.5.6 if the Exchange 2010 Server has never had any earlier Service Packs or Rollup Updates.
This issue is best rectified by installing Rollup Update 2 for Exchange 2010 SP3 and then running the installer for Janusseal for Outlook Web App version 2.5.6.
A minor error in the installer for versions 2.5.5 and 2.5.6 means that an Exchange 2010 Server with Service Pack 3 and which has never had an earlier Service Pack or one of their Rollup Updates is not regarded as a valid starting condition.
If the installer for version 2.5.5 or 2.5.6 is run on such a system it reports the error:
The installer could not detect a necessary set of Microsoft Exchange OWA pages that it needs to insert the Janusseal for Outlook Web App components.
Installation will not proceed. Contact Janusnet http://www.janusnet.com/ for further assistance.
The installer will be corrected in future versions of Janusseal for Outlook Web App. In the short term, use the workaround detailed below.
Upgrade Exchange Server to 2010 SP3 with Rollup Update 2 and install version 2.5.6 of Janusseal for Outlook Web App.
The presence of Rollup Update 2 is regarded as one of the necessary starting conditions for version 2.5.6 and hence overcomes this problem.