Janusseal Mobile App does not function correctly when installed as a Home Screen app on Apple devices using iOS 7.0.0, 7.0.1 or 7.0.2. It does work correctly when used as a standard web page app from within Safari. This issue does not occur with iOS 7.0.3.
Users with iOS 7.0.0, 7.0.1 or 7.0.2 devices must only use Janusseal Mobile App from within Safari as a standard web page app or update to iOS 7.0.3.
There is an issue with iOS 7.0.0, 7.0.1 and 7.0.2 that affects the ability for Home Screen apps (like Janusseal Mobile App) to open an Internet Uniform Resource Locator (URL) address. If the URL is for anything other than a web site URL the open request fails in the Home Screen app and it appears to do nothing.
Janusseal Mobile App uses an email URL form, so when installed as a Home Screen app on an iOS 7.0.0, 7.0.1 or 7.0.2 device it will not function correctly. There appears to be much discussion of this issue on the Internet as it has broken the functionality of many other web apps.
Apple recently released iOS version 7.0.3 (22-Oct-2013) and this patch has corrected this issue.
For users with iOS 7 prior to 7.0.3 then they are urged to update or use the workaround section for details of a temporary fix where the user simply uses Janusseal Mobile App in the Safari web browser on the device.
Janusseal Mobile App does work on all iOS 7.0 devices when used from inside Safari. It is only when used as a Home Screen app that it fails.
Users who do not wish to upgrade to 7.0.3 must then only use Janusseal Mobile App from the Safari browser on the iOS 7.0 device.
If an end-user has not bookmarked (favorited) their personal Janusseal Mobile page in Safari then we recommend the end-user follow this procedure on their iOS 7.0 device (iPhone, iPad):
- open Safari
- visit the site http://m.janusnet.com/jsm/ by typing the address into the address bar
- enter their registered email address in the "your email address:" field
- hit the "submit" button
- the web page will say that the user's account has already been activated and that they will receive an email with their personalised address
- open the Mail application on the device and synchronise (update)
- the inbox should now include a new message from with the personalised Janusseal Mobile page address
- click on the link in the email
- Safari will open at the personalised Janusseal Mobile page
- to bookmark the page, click the "share" button in the toolbar, third from the left and from the icons click the "Bookmark" one
- choose the name of the bookmark (defaults to Janusseal); set the Location to Favorites
- click the Save button; the page will be bookmarked and available under the Bookmarks button which is the first to the right of the address bar.