When a user is using Outlook on the Web and clicks the Send button, Janusseal App for Outlook only shows a notification in the upper area of the message bar saying "Janusseal App is working on your request", and then maybe later an error without ever showing its classification dialog to the sender. Janusnet believes this is due to a code change from Microsoft in Outlook on the Web - the Janusseal App for Outlook code for the Cloud Edition has not changed since May 2021.
Microsoft have a fix for the issue that it is now in production https://github.com/OfficeDev/office-js/issues/2129#issuecomment-924619374 :
exextoc commented 4 minutes ago
The issue has been fixed in production. Please let us know if it still reproduces.
Thanks a lot for the patience and we regret any inconvenience.
Several customers have reported back to Janusnet that the fix from Microsoft has been successful for them so that Janusseal App for Outlook is operational - the classification dialog is shown after the user clicks the send button. Server side logs and analytics of Janusseal App for Outlook indicate that end-users are accessing the on-send dialog with decreased hits against the workaround of the compose pane mode.
Janusnet believes this issue is equivalent to the one reported here - https://github.com/OfficeDev/office-js/issues/2129 ; multiple reports at that page of this issue affecting other add-ins and Microsoft are looking into the issue and report to be rolling out a fix.
If your users are experiencing this problem but you have not raised a support ticket with Janusnet, please send an email to notifying us and at the same time please let us know if it is all OOTW users that are experiencing the issue or only some fraction.
We also recommend your organisation raise a support ticket with Microsoft, with reference to the github page above.
If the issue is affecting your users, the short-term workaround is that end-users must use the compose mode of Janusseal App for Outlook to classify before they click the send button - https://www.janusnet.com/janusSEAL/AppForOutlook/Documentation/Use
A potential alternative is for the end-user to use the following link to create a new email message; this link is constructed to make use of an earlier version of Microsoft's Outlook on the Web code where Janusseal App shows its classification dialog at the send event https://outlook.office.com/mail/deeplink/compose?popoutv2=1&version=20210419002.11