CUI Marking made easy

What is the controlled unclassified information (CUI) marking program?

The US government established its controlled unclassified information (CUI) program to standardize how the Executive Branch handles information that requires safeguarding but is not classified. The Program defines what types of data to protect, outlines what "safeguard" means, reinforces legislation and regulations, and promotes authorized information-sharing. Since Dec. 31, 2017, all Department of Defense (DoD) contractors that process, store, share, or destroy CUI must meet the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) minimum security standards for marking and handling CUI or risk losing their DoD contracts.

Janusnet Metadata

Fast, compliant CUI marking.

Data classification visible to the human eye is the first step to meeting CUI compliance requirements for handling sensitive data. After all, you can’t manage what you can’t see. The second step is pairing visual markings with metadata tags. When your team chooses CUI caveats from Janusnet’s easy-to-use dropdown menus, our solutions automatically add the right metadata to each file. That ensures your existing IT tools control transmission and access rights, enable multi-jurisdiction compliance, and let your team confidently manage CUI marking in under a minute.


On-premise or cloud

Feature-rich, low-maintenance, reliable data classification in the cloud or on-premises.

No extra investments

No additional hardware or software for configuration or discovery.

Seamless integration

Works with existing technologies to
protect data and reduce cost.

NARA Category List

Addressing Complexity

Few data classification solutions can address the complexity and logic of applying multiple marking elements and formatting on a document or email. For example, 14 categories of CUI marking requirements cover 120 sub-categories. Each category requires multi-select options for users to choose either "Specified" or "Basic" markings, plus Limited Dissemination Control. Janusnet lets you perform CUI marking easily with a straightforward user interface and flexibility to ensure the accurate marking.

See how quick and easy it is to use Janusseal to mark CUI

If your organization needs to comply with guidelines for the correct marking and handling of controlled unclassified information (CUI), our flagship Janusseal solution is the answer. Out of the box Janusseal provides fast accurate marking of CUI sensitivity labels across multiple file types to improve information control and management within your existing infrastructure and meet US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) requirements.

Watch the video

Orange Lock

Whitepaper: the Janusnet difference for CUI marking.

Losing sensitive data is every organization’s nightmare. Visible classification markings instantly remind users of the sensitivity of the material when they create, print, or save a document or send an email. Janusnet CUI marking differentiators include:

  1. Cost-effective, low-maintenance, compliance-ready CUI marking.
  2. No additional, or dedicated hardware, software or network is needed to run Janusnet.
  3. Automatic metadata tagging ensures pervasive optimized handling of CUI.
  4. CUI marking configuration can take as little as one day.
  5. Once installed, Janusnet solutions are highly configurable without a network connection and easily integrated with existing technologies.

Request the whitepaper

Business outcomes


Proven compliance for data identification, classification, and protection.

Control data

Reduce the risk of mishandling
and loss of data.


Fast and inexpensive to deply. Easy to use, maintain, and integrate.