Janusgate Mobile 2.6.0 released

Janusgate Mobile version 2.6.0 has been released. This upgrade includes:

  • The time taken by Janusgate Mobile to start has been reduced.

  • All Janusgate Mobile instances in a network can now use a single common JGR file stored on a network share and Janusgate Mobile has built-in mechanisms to be resilient to network share failures if they occur.

  • Logging configuration now defined in separate XML configuration file - logging.config - which should simplify upgrade process in future. The log4net library used by Janusgate Mobile was also updated to use version 1.2.15.

  • Two new processors - the BodyWriter and SignatureWriter - which can be used for precisely writing text within the body of a message. 

  • A new predicate, the BodyContentTester, which can be used to perform string tests against the body's raw content.

Log in to the Janusnet website with your account to access the full release notes and the download package.


Product Information
Janusgate Mobile
Product Page: 
Release Information
Release Date: 
14 August, 2018